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Als, T.D., D.R. Nash and J.J. Boomsma. 2002. Geographical variation in host-ant specificity of the parasitic butterfly Maculinea alcon in Denmark. Ecological Entomology 27:403-414.

Als, T.D., R. Vila, N.P. Kandul, D. Nash, S.-H. Yen, Y.-F. Hsu, A.A. Mignault, J. Boomsma and N.E. Pierce. 2004. The evolution of alternative parasitic life histories in large blue butterflies. Nature 432:386-390 (plus Supplementary Information).

Bereczki, J., K. Pecsenye, L. Peregovits and Z. Varga. 2005. Pattern of genetic differentiation in the Maculinea alcon species group (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) in central Europe. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 43 :157-165.

Conradt, L., P.A. Zollner, T.J. Roper, K. Frank and C. D. Thomas. 2003. Foray search: an effective systematic dispersal strategy in fragmented landscapes. The American Naturalist 161:905-915.

Drechsler, M., K. Frank, B. O´Hara, I. Hanski and C. Wissel. 2003. Ranking metapopulation extinction risk: from patterns in data to conservation management decisions. Ecological Applications 13:990-998.

Drechsler, M., F. Wätzold, K. Johst, H. Bergmann and J. Settele. 2005. A model-based approach for designing cost-effective compensation payments for conservation and endangered species in real landscapes. UFZ-Diskussionspapiere 2:1-24.

Elmes, G.W., T. Akino, J.A. Thomas, R... Clarke and J.J. Knapp. 2002. Interspecific differences in cuticular hydrocarbon profiles of Myrmica ants are sufficiently consistent to explain host specificity by Maculinea (large blue) butterflies. Oecologia 130:525-535.
Elmes, G.W., A.G. Radchenko and J.A. Thomas. 2003. First records of Myrmica vandeli Bondroit (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) for Britain. Br.J. Ent.Nat. Hist. 16:1150.1-1150.8.

Elmes, G.W., J. Wardlaw, K. Schönrogge, J.A. Thomas and R.T. Clarke. 2003. Food stress causes differential survival of socially parasitic caterpillars of Maculinea rebeli integrated in colonies of host and non-host Myrmica ant species. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 110:53-63.

Frank, K. and C. Wissel. 2002. A formula for the mean lifetime of metapopulations in heterogeneous landscapes. The American Naturalist 159:530-552.

Frank K., H. Lorek, F. Köster, M. Sonnenschein, C. Wissel and V. Grimm. 2002. META-X: Software for Metapopulation Viability Analysis. Heidelberg.

Frank, K. 2004. Ecologically differentiated rules of thumb for habitat network design - lessons from a formula. Biodiversity and Conservation 13:189-206.

Glinka, U., A. Richter, M. Graul, L. Schellhammer and J. Settele. 2004. Aktuelle Vorkommen der Wiesenknopf-Ameisenbläulinge Maculinea nausithous (Bergsträsser, 1779) und Maculinea teleius (Bergsträsser, 1779) (Lep., Lycaenidae) im Leipziger Raum (Sachsen). Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 48:219-224.

Glinka, U. 2004. Bedeutung und Ursachen von Verbreitungsmustern der Ameisenzönose auf das Vorkommen von Glaucopsyche (Maculinea) nausithous und G. teleius. Mitteilungen Sächsischer Entomologen 66:17-18.

Grimm, V., H. Lorek, J. Finke, F. Koester, M. Malachinski, M. Sonnenschein, A. Moilanen, I. Storch, A. Singer, C. Wissel and K. Frank. 2004. META-X: generic software for metapopulation viability analysis. Biodiversity and Conservation 13:165-188.

Hein, S.J. Gombert, T. Hovestadt and H.-J. Poethke. 2003. Movement patterns of the bush cricket Platycleis albopunctata in different types of habitat: matrix is not always matrix. Ecological Entomology 28:432-438.

Hovestadt, T. and H.-J. Poethke. 2006. The control of emigration and its consequences for the survival of populations. Ecological Modelling 190:443-453.

Kühn E., R. Feldmann, J.A. Thomas and J. Settele. 2005. Studies on the Ecology and Conservation of Butterflies in Europe, Vol. 1: General Concepts and Case Studies. PENSOFT, Sofia-Moscow.

Loritz, H. and J. Settele. 2002. Der große Feuerfalter (Lycaena dispar Haworth, 1803) im Queichtal bei Landau/Pfalz. Wirtspflanzenwahl und Eiablagemuster. Mitt.POLLICHIA 89:309-321.

Maes, D., H. van Dyck, W. Vanreusel and J. Cortens. 2003. Ant communities (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of Flemish (North Belgium) wet heathlands, a declining habitat in Europe. Eur.J.Entomol. 100:545-555.

Maes, D., M. Gilbert, N. Titeux, P. Goffart and R.L.H. Dennis. 2003. Prediction of butterfly diversity hotspots in Belgium: a comparison of statistically focused and land use-focused models. Journal of Biogeography 30:1907-1920.

Maes, D., W. Vanreusel, W. Talloen and H. van Dyck. 2004. Functional Conservation units for the endangered Alcon Blue butterfly Maculinea alcon in Belgium (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Biological Conservation 120:229-241.

Maes, D. and H. van Dyck. 2005. Habitat quality and biodiversity indicator performances of a threatened butterfly versus a multispecies group for wet heathlands in Belgium. Biological Conservation 123:177-187.

Mouquet, N., V. Belrose, J.A. Thomas, G.W. Elmes, R.T. Clarke and M.E. Hochberg. 2005. Conserving community modules: a case study of the endangered lycaenid butterfly Maculinea alcon. Ecology in press.

Mouquet, N., J.A. Thomas, G.W. Elmes, R.T. Clarke and M.E. Hochberg. 2005. Population dynamics and conservation of a specialized predator: a case study of Maculinea arion. Ecological Monograph 75:525-542.

Nowicki, P., M. Witek, P. Skorka and M. Woyciechowski. 2005. Oviposition patterns in the myrmecophilous butterfly Maculinea alcon Denis & Schiffermüller (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in relation to characteristics of foodplants and presence of ant hosts. Polish Journal of Ecology 53:409-417.

Nowicki, P., M. Witek, P. Skorka, J. Settele and M. Woyciechowski. 2005. Population ecology of the endangered butterflies Maculinea teleius and M. nausithous and the implications for conservation. Population Ecology 47:193-202.

Nowicki, P., A. Richter, U. Glinka, A. Holzschuh, U. Toelke, K. Henle, M. Woyciechowski and J. Settele. 2005. Less input same output: simplified approach for population size assessment in Lepidoptera. Population Ecology 47:203-212.

Nowicki, P., M. Witek, P. Skorka and M. Woyciechowski. 2005. Oviposition patterns in the myrmecophilous butterfly Maculinea alcon Denis & Schiffermüller (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in relation to characteristics of foodplants and presence of ant hosts. Polish Journal of Ecology 53:409-417.

Pech, P., Z. Fric, M. Konvicka & J. Zrzavy. 2004. Phylogeny of Maculinea blues (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) based on morphological and ecological characters: evolution of parasitic myrmecophily. Cladistics 20, 362-375.

Pfeifer, M.A., U.R. Andrick, W. Frey and J. Settele. 2000. On the ethology and ecology of a small and isolated population of the Dusky Large Blue Butterfly Glaucopsyche (Maculinea) nausithous (Lycaenidae). Nota lepidopterologica 23:147-172.

Pfeifer, M.A., U. Glinka and J. Settele. 2004. Die Schätzung von Populationsgrößen bei Tagfaltern anhand von Präimaginalstadien am Beispiel von Ameisenbläulingen (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae: Maculinea). Mainzer naturwissenschaftliches Archiv 42:225-244.

Poethke, H.J., T. Hovestadt and O. Mitesser. 2003. Local extinction and the evolution of dispersal rates: Causes and correlations. American Naturalist 161:631-640.

Radchenko, A.G. and G.W. Elmes. 2003. A taxonomic revision of the socially parasitic Myrmica ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the palaearctic region. Annales Zoologici (Warszawa) 53:217-243.

Radchenko, A.G., G.W. Elmes, W. Czechowska, A. Stankiewicz, W. Czechowski and M. Sielezniew. 2003. First records of Myrmica vandeli Bondroit and M. tulinae Elmes, Radchenko et Aktac (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) for Poland, with a key for the scabrinodis- and sabuleti-complexes. Fragmenta Faunistica 46:47-57.

Radchenko, A.G., A. Stankiewicz and M. Sielezniew. 2004. First record of Myrmica salina Ruzsky (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) for Poland. Fragmenta Faunistica 47:55-58.

Schönrogge, K., B. Barr, J.C. Wardlaw, E. Napper, M.G. Garner, J. Breen, G.W. Elmes and J.A. Thomas. 2002. When rare species become endangered: cryptic speciation in myrmecophilous hoverflies. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 75:291-300.

Schönrogge, K., B. Barr, J.C. Wardlaw, E. Napper, M. G. Garner, J. Breen, G.W. Elmes and J.A. Thomas. 2002. When rare species become endangered: cryptic speciation in myrmecophilous hoverflies. - Addendum. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 76:315.

Schönrogge, K., J.C. Wardlaw, A.J. Peters, S. Everett, J.A. Thomas and G.W. Elmes. 2004. Changes in chemical signature and host specificity from larval retrieval to full social integration in the myrmecophilous butterfly Maculinea rebeli. Journal of Chemical Ecology 30:91-107.

Settele J., E. Kühn and J.A. Thomas. 2005. Studies on the Ecology and Conservation of Butterflies in Europe, Vol. 2: Species Ecology along a European Gradient: Maculinea butterflies as a Model.
PENSOFT, Sofia-Moscow.

Sielezniew, M., A. Stankiewicz and C. Bystrowski.
2003. First observation of one Maculinea arion pupa in Myrmica lobicornis nest in Poland. Nota lepidopterologica 25:249-250.

Sielezniew, M. and A. Stankiewicz. 2004. Simultaneous exploitation of Myrmica vandeli and M-scabrinodis (Hymenoptera : Formicidae) colonies by the endangered myrmecophilous butterfly Maculinea alcon (Lepidoptera : Lycaenidae). European Journal of Entomology 101:693-696.

Sielezniew, M. and A. Stankiewicz. 2004. Gentiana cruciata as an additional host plant of Maculinea alcon on a site in eastern Poland (Lycaenidae). Nota lepidopterologica 27:91-93.

Sielezniew, M. and A. Stankiewicz. 2004. Historia modraszka ariona Maculinea arion L., czyli jak motyl wezedl do kanonów ekologii i ochrony przyrody [Story of large blue Maculinea arion L.: how a butterfly entered the canons of ecology and nature conservation. Wiadomosci Ekologiczne 3:149-169.

Skorka, P. and P. W. M. Nowicki. 2004. Ocena liczebnosci populacji przyuzyciu metod odlowu, znakowania i ponownego odlowu - standardy i nowe rozwiazania (Population size estimation with capture-mark-recapture methods - standards and new solutions). Wiadomosci Ekologiczne 3:205-220.

Stankiewicz, A. and M. Sielezniew. 2002. Myrmekofilia w rodzinie modraszkowatych (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae)
Myrmecophily in lycaenid butterflies (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). Przeglad Zoologiczny XLVI:175-188.

Stankiewicz, A. and M. Sielezniew. 2002. Wspólczesne problemy ochrony motyli dziennych (Contemporary problems of butterfly conservation). Przeglad Zoologiczny XLVI:151-174.

Stankiewicz, A. and M. Sielezniew. 2002. First data on host-ant specificity of parasitic Maculinea alcon (Den. & Schiff.) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in Poland and eastern Europe. Fragmenta Faunistica 45:123-130.

Stankiewicz, A. and M. Sielezniew. 2002. Host specificity of Maculinea teleius Bgstr. and M. nausithous Bgstr. (Lepidoptera : Lycaenidae) the new insight. Annales Zoologici (Warszawa) 52:403-408.

Stankiewicz, A. 2002. Hoverfly Microdon myrmicae Schönrogge et al., 2002 (Diptera: Syrphidae) in Poland. Polish Journal of Entomology 72:145-151.

Stankiewicz, A., M. Sielezniew and J. Sawoniewicz. 2004. Neotypus pusillus Gregor, 1940 (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) endoparasite of Maculinea nausithous (Bergsträsser, 1779) (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae): new data on distribution in Poland with remarks on its biology. Fragmenta Faunistica 47:115-120.

Stankiewicz, A., M. Sielezniew and G. Svitra. 2005. Myrmica schenki (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) rears Maculinea rebeli (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in Lithuania: new evidence for geographical variation of host-ant specificity of an endangered butterfly. Myrmecologische Nachrichten 7:51-54.

Tartally, A. 2004. Is Manica rubida (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) a potential host of the Maculinea alcon (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) group? Myrmecologische Nachrichten 6:23-27.

Tartally, A. and S. Csosz. 2004. Adatok a magyarországi Maculinea fajok (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) hangyagazdáiról (Data on the ant hosts of the Maculinea butterflies (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) of Hungary. Természetvédelmi Közleméyek (Term.véd.Közlem) 11:in press.

Tartally, A. 2005. Myrmica salina (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) as a Host of Maculinea alcon (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Sociobiology 1-5.

Tartally, A. 2005. Neotypus melanocephalus (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae): the first record of a parasitoid wasp attacking Maculinea teleius (Lycaenidae). Nota lepidopterologica 28:21-23.

Tartally, A. 2005. Accelerated development of Maculinea rebeli larvae under artificial conditions (Lycaenidae). Nota lepidopterologica 27:299-304.

Tartally, A. and Z. Varga. 2005. Myrmica rubra (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): the first data on host-ant specificity of Maculinea nausithous (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in Hungary. Myrmecologische Nachrichten 7:55-59.

Thomas, J.A. 2002. Larval niche selection and evening exposure enhance adoption of a predacious social parasite, Maculinea arion (large blue butterfly), by Myrmica ants. Oecologia 132:531-537.

Thomas, J.A., J.J. Knapp, T. Akino, S. Gerty, S. Wakamura, D.J. Simcox, J.C. Wardlaw and G.W. Elmes. 2002. Insect communication: Parasitoid secretions provoke ant warfare - Subterfuge used by a rare wasp may be the key to an alternative type of pest control. Nature 417:505-506.

Thomas, J.A., M.G. Telfer, D.B. Roy, C.D. Preston, J.J.D. Greenwood, J. Asher, R. Fox, R.T. Clarke and J.H. Lawton. 2004. Comparative Losses of British Butterflies, Birds and Plants and the Global Extinction Crisis. Science 303:1879-1881.

Thomas, J.A. and R.T. Clarke. 2004. Extinction rates and butterflies - Response. Science 305:1563-1565.

Thomas, J.A. and J. Settele. 2004. Butterfly mimics of ants. Nature 432:283-284.

Thomas, J.A. 2004. Monitoring change in the abundance and distribution of insects using butterflies and other indicator groups. Phil.Trans.R.Soc.Lond.B. 1-21.

Thomas, J.A., K. Schönrogge and G.W. Elmes. 2005. Specialisation and Host Association of Social Parasites of Ants. Insect Evolutionary Ecology 475-514.

Zeisset, I., T.D. Als, J. Settele and J.J. Boomsma. 2005. Microsattelite markers for the large blue butterflies Maculinea nausithous and Maculinea alcon (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) and their amplification in other Maculinea species. Molecular Ecology Notes 5:165-168.

Zeisset, I., J.R. Ebsen and J.J. Boomsma. 2005. Dinucleotide microsattelite DNA loci from the ant Myrmica scabrinodis. Molecular Ecology Notes 5:163-164.


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